

发布时间:2024-10-14 作者:大雅堂美术馆 文章来源:https://www.jndyt888.com/ 浏览量:0


I am extremely excited to finally buy my beloved works of calligraphy and painting by a renowned artist. But you know what? The maintenance of calligraphy and painting after buying them at home is also very important. There is an ancient saying in the collection industry, 'Paper lasts for a thousand years, silk for eight hundred years', which refers to the upper limit of the lifespan of paper and silk cultural relics. If well preserved, Xuan paper has a lifespan of over a thousand years.


Many collectors privately chat with me, wanting to know how to "maintain" famous calligraphy and painting works? As a collectible, calligraphy and painting are prone to damage if not properly maintained, which can affect their collection value. Therefore, learning to maintain them correctly is crucial.


Appreciation of the artwork "Outside the Temple" by Qin Riqun, a contracted painter at the Buerxuan Calligraphy and Painting Center


There are many reasons for improper storage of famous calligraphy and painting works. Generally speaking, due to temperature differences caused by seasonal changes, uneven dryness and wetness, exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, pollution from environmental air and dust, etc., phenomena such as insect infestation, mold growth, and fading may occur, resulting in a complete calligraphy and painting work being unrecognizable and even losing its artistic value.


If we can understand the weaknesses of some calligraphy and painting that are easily damaged, take effective preventive measures, and to some extent delay the process of calligraphy and painting becoming old and damaged, the lifespan of calligraphy and painting can be extended, and its original appearance can be preserved.


Today, the editor will share with you that starting from the following points, it is not difficult to do a good job of "maintenance" for famous calligraphers and painters!


01. Avoid direct sunlight. Famous calligraphers and painters should not be hung in places where direct sunlight can reach them. Precious collections are best stored in a shaded area in a wooden box and should not be easily exposed to light.


02. Dust removal, insect prevention, and environmental pollution can cause significant damage to calligraphy and painting. Regularly clean the dust to avoid excessive dust accumulation and ensure the cleanliness of calligraphy and painting works.


In terms of preventing calligraphy and painting from being damaged by insects, camphor balls can emit a special odor to prevent insects, which has a good insecticidal effect. Place camphor medicine around the collection of calligraphy and painting works during use. It can be placed twice a year in stages, the first time in March to April and the second time in October to November, which has a better pest control effect.

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