

发布时间:2024-09-21 作者:大雅堂美术馆 文章来源:https://www.jndyt888.com/ 浏览量:0

20201126033858480  随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,有越来越多的人们开始收藏与投资名人字画。而这部分收藏者们所收藏名人字画的主要原因在于,一方面可以陶冶自身的情操,提高其艺术修养;而另外一方面投资名人的字画作品,还能够给自己带来不少的利益价值,甚在一定的程度上名人字画还能起到调节风水的作用,这些都是收藏者们所收藏字画的理由。

  With the rapid development of China's social economy, more and more people are beginning to collect and invest in celebrity calligraphy and paintings. The main reason why these collectors collect celebrity calligraphy and paintings is that, on the one hand, it can cultivate their own sentiment and improve their artistic cultivation; On the other hand, investing in the calligraphy and painting works of celebrities can bring a lot of profit value to oneself, and even to a certain extent, celebrity calligraphy and painting can play a role in regulating feng shui. These are the reasons why collectors collect calligraphy and painting.

  金增友 1963年出生于山东临清。现为美术家协会会员,工笔画学会会员,山东聊城大学美术学院教授、硕士研究生导师,被人事部授予“画杰出人才”称号,2008年被评为当代画坛六零后六十杰,两次被评为当代艺术市场收藏潜力的画家。作品多次上拍雅昌可查但凡是投资都具有一定的风险性,名人字画自然也不例外。因此,收藏者们在其投资与收藏的过程中,一定要非常注意,甚需要掌握一些收藏名人字画的常识,下面小编就来讲讲都有哪些常识,需要收藏者们掌握。对于喜爱收藏花鸟画的收藏者们都知道,花鸟画作品都具有怕光、怕热、怕虫、怕湿、怕霉这五大特征,而在收藏名人字画作品中自然也是不例外了。因此作为收藏的我们,想要保护好名人字画作品,就一定要掌握小编以下所提到的收藏常识。、字画作品去尘。收藏者们在收藏一幅名人字画作品值钱,是先使用工具掸去字画表面的细微灰尘,防止在收卷字画的过程中将灰尘卷入作品之中。同时也要注意,收藏者们一定要防止字画作品的轴头,因为灰尘所引起的霉变或者是虫蛀等问题。尤其是对于使用绢本所书写的名人字画作品,当灰尘落入到卷缝之中,收藏者们一定要非常耐心的将其清理干净,不要粗心大意,或者是草草了事,认为会没有什么影响。

  Jin Zengyou was born in Linqing, Shandong in 1963. I am currently a member of the China Artists Association and the China Gongbi Painting Society. I am a professor and master's supervisor at the School of Fine Arts, Liaocheng University, Shandong Province. I have been awarded the title of "Outstanding Talent in Chinese Painting" by the Ministry of Human Resources. In 2008, I was named one of the top 60 artists in the Chinese contemporary art scene and twice recognized as the artist with the greatest collection potential in the contemporary Chinese art market. The works have been photographed multiple times in Artron, and any investment carries a certain level of risk, including celebrity calligraphy and painting. Therefore, collectors must be very careful in their investment and collection process, and even need to master some common sense of collecting celebrity calligraphy and paintings. Below, the editor will talk about what common sense collectors need to master. For collectors who love to collect flower and bird paintings, they all know that flower and bird paintings have five major characteristics: fear of light, heat, insects, moisture, and mold. This is also true for collecting celebrity calligraphy and painting works. Therefore, as collectors, if we want to protect the calligraphy and painting works of celebrities well, we must master the collection knowledge mentioned by the editor below. Firstly, remove the dust from calligraphy and painting works. Collectors should use tools to brush off the fine dust on the surface of a celebrity's calligraphy or painting when it is valuable, in order to prevent dust from being sucked into the artwork during the process of collecting the calligraphy or painting. At the same time, collectors must also pay attention to preventing the shaft heads of calligraphy and painting works from mold or insect damage caused by dust. Especially for celebrity calligraphy and painting works written on silk, when dust falls into the crevices, collectors must be very patient in cleaning them up, and not be careless or hasty, thinking that there will be no impact.


  Once the dust is not cleaned thoroughly and the artwork encounters moisture, the lifespan of its calligraphy and painting works will be greatly reduced. And in some dust, there are also hidden insect eggs, bacteria, etc. that collectors cannot see with the naked eye. Once they encounter suitable temperature and humidity conditions, the insect eggs will develop into larvae, which will later bite and damage calligraphy and painting works, causing irreparable damage and incalculable losses. In addition, for celebrity calligraphy and painting works, collectors must remember to seal them during the collection process. It is best for collectors to wrap the works of celebrity calligraphy and painting in kraft paper first, and then put them in boxes or cabinets with very good sealing performance. At the same time, remember to sprinkle camphor balls or other insect repellent on every corner of the cabinet or box to prevent mosquito bites. After completing the above tasks, collectors should place well absorbent clay paper in the box or cabinet. Only by going through the above steps can a good sealing effect be achieved, ensuring that the preserved calligraphy and painting works are safe and sound, and extending their lifespan.

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