1、 The figure painting is divided into five segments. Figure painting is actually a general name of painting with figure images as the main body, and is a major branch of Chinese painting. According to historical records, figure painting appeared earlier than landscape painting and flower-and-bird painting. In history, figure painting can be divided into Daoism painting, beauty painting, portrait painting, genre painting, historical story painting, etc.
1. Taoist and Buddhist paintings are an important category of ancient Chinese paintings, and Buddhist paintings are also important in Taoist and Buddhist paintings. In the long-term historical development process, Buddhist painting has formed many classic themes and styles, and Luohan painting is one of them. Its popularity is long, the number of works is large, and the number of participating artists is extensive. There are few other themes in Buddhist painting that can be compared with it.
2.仕女图是以反映中上层妇女生活为题材的绘画,明清以来比较盛行。现代国画大师张大千便以善画各种仕女图而闻名。受到当代资本热烈追捧的当代画家何家英,其 拳头作品便是工笔仕女图,而同样在岭南大受市场欢迎的人物。
2. The painting of ladies is a painting with the theme of reflecting the life of upper-middle class women, which has been popular since the Ming and Qing dynasties. Zhang Daqian, a master of modern Chinese painting, is famous for his ability to draw various pictures of ladies. He Jiaying, a contemporary painter who is warmly sought after by the contemporary capital, has his fist work is the meticulous painting of beautiful women, while Lin Yong, a figure painter who is also popular in the market in Lingnan, said in an interview with the media that the painting of beautiful women is a moneymaking project of his own.
3.肖像图不用多解释,它是以现实生活中或历史上客观存在的人物为描绘对象的人物画,也是这几个细分类别里边考画家造型功底的。几乎所有出名的画家,都会通 过肖像画来表现自己的创作力。全国画坛如刘文西、何家英等,都是肖像画的高手。
3. Portrait painting needs no more explanation. It is a figure painting that takes people objectively existing in real life or history as the object of description. It is also the basis of the artist's modeling skills in these sub-categories. Almost all famous painters express their creativity through portraits. National painting circles such as Liu Wenxi and He Jiaying are masters of portrait painting.
4. Folk painting is a figure painting with the theme of social life style. The famous genre painting belongs to the Qingming River Picture by Zhang Zeduan of the Northern Song Dynasty. The genre painting is a kind of painting that is highly valued by academic circles.