Based on personal experience and knowledge in the collecting industry, why are more and more people becoming fond of art and even collecting many scarce items. I have made the following insights:
The emergence of private collectors can be traced back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, when Wang and Xie were prominent families and wealthy collectors.
明清时期,无论参与收藏的人数、收藏品的质量,还是关于书画收藏的着录、笔记都足以令人惊叹了。作为收藏品,它自有物质、精神两方面的意义。一方面,他是承载历史、文化、艺术信息的商品,其价值具有不稳定性,随着时代风尚、审美趣味的变化而变化,而整体上呈上升趋势。以书画为例,齐白石的同一幅画,在 70年代值100元,而到现在,可达到数千万元。于古代的书画,经年累月,其涨幅就更大了。
During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the number of people involved in the collection, the quality of the collection, and the writings and notes on calligraphy and painting collection were all astonishing. As a collectible, it has both material and spiritual significance. On the one hand, it is a commodity that carries historical, cultural, and artistic information, and its value is unstable, changing with the trend of the times and aesthetic tastes, and overall showing an upward trend. Taking calligraphy and painting as an example, the same painting by Qi Baishi was worth 100 yuan in the 1970s, but now it can reach tens of millions of yuan. As for ancient calligraphy and painting, over the years, their price increase has been even greater.
In modern society, collecting has become an important investment tool for people. The collection of cultural relics with relatively low input and relatively high output, low risk and high efficiency, has become increasingly favored by knowledgeable people. In today's prosperous economy, collecting is no longer exclusive to literati and scholars, but gradually becomes a part of people's economic life and spirit. There are countless people in history who became extremely wealthy through collecting. In the mid Ming Dynasty, due to the developed economy in Jiangnan, a large number of calligraphers and painters emerged, such as Wen Huiming and his son, Xiang Yuanbian family, Wang Shizhen brothers, and Dong Qichang, among others. These collectors were also famous calligraphers and painters, and their collections not only promoted the prosperity of the calligraphy and painting market at that time, but also propelled economic development.
What is the modern significance and value of art collection?
Art collection is not only an artistic act, but also an investment method, and a spiritual enjoyment. With the development of the new era, more people are devoting themselves to the art collection industry. So, what is the modern significance and value of art collection?
1、收藏品的经济价值。经常关注新闻媒体的朋友会经常听到或是看到,某某古代珍品被拍卖几百万几千万,甚几个亿的,而其拍卖方在收藏之初的成交价却远低 于当前拍卖价的新闻报道。
1. The economic value of collectibles. Friends who often follow the news media will often hear or see news reports that a certain ancient treasure has been auctioned off for millions, even billions, and the auction price at the beginning of its collection is much lower than the current auction price.
It is not difficult to see that collecting has become an investment behavior in modern society, and if collecting treasures has unique value, it must be able to exchange for rich wealth returns.
2、培养艺术品收藏家的兴趣爱好与提升其自身的文化修养。艺术珍品如古玩、玉器、字画等都具有一定的文化价值。尤其是距今年代越久可供收藏的珍品,其所具 有的历史文化价值可谓是价值连城。诸如古代的一些出自名人之手的书画真品,收藏家将其收藏,不仅是表达收藏家对创作珍品名人的敬仰之情,还体现出收藏 家的文化素养。
2. Cultivate the interests and hobbies of art collectors and enhance their own cultural literacy. Art treasures such as antiques, jade, calligraphy and painting all have certain cultural value. Especially for treasures that are available for collection over time, their historical and cultural value is priceless. Collectors collect authentic calligraphy and painting works from famous figures in ancient China, not only to express their admiration for the creative treasures of the celebrities, but also to reflect their cultural literacy.
3、纪念往事或是纪念历史。例如在2004年5月5日英国伦敦苏富比拍卖会上,被一亿四百万美金的天价成交的毕加索代表作《手拿烟斗的男孩》。如此高昂的 拍卖价,刷新的世界名画拍卖史的记录名震一时。但直到后来,通过媒体的曝光,世人才看到天价成交幕后的“真相”——这幅画不仅是出自名家之手,其背后 还深深隐藏着一个跨世纪的爱情故事。
3. To commemorate the past or to commemorate history. For example, at the Sotheby's auction in London on May 5, 2004, Picasso's masterpiece "The Boy Holding a Pipe" was sold for a sky high price of $14 million. Such a high auction price, setting a new record for the highest auction price in the history of world famous paintings, was a sensation. But it was not until later, through media exposure, that the world finally saw the "truth" behind the sky high transaction - this painting was not only created by a famous artist, but also deeply hidden behind a cross century love story.
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