

发布时间:2024-07-19 作者:大雅堂美术馆 文章来源:https://www.jndyt888.com/ 浏览量:0


  Whether you are looking to increase indoor air freshness, broaden your personal mind and style; Whether you are looking to increase your passion and longing for life, improve your feng shui fortune, pray for blessings and seek good fortune; Whether you are enjoying the beauty of the picture alone, wandering in the natural harmony of the picture; Whether you are collecting for appreciation and preservation, leaving endless wealth and treasures for future generations; Or perhaps you are simply adding beauty, harmony, and joy to the decoration of the house How can a tasteful home lack exquisite calligraphy and painting works by famous artists.20201126033858480


  Why do we hang calligraphy and paintings at home?


  1. Wall patching and embellishment


  The four white floor to ceiling decoration appears too monotonous. Hanging a calligraphy or painting can not only add color to the wall and beautify the home, but also add a touch of poetic and picturesque atmosphere to family life, breaking the dull tone and injecting vitality. In addition, some rooms that lack sunlight exposure can easily lead to low mood after prolonged exposure and must be remedied. For example, hanging a sunflower painting on a dark wall at home, with the meaning of "Sunflower trees are easy to spring", can compensate for the lack of natural lighting.


  2. Set off the elegance and connotation of the host


  Appreciate and enjoy the beauty of art while seeking to cultivate oneself and understand reason. Landscape painting - a habitat for busy minds. Regular reading not only allows one to comprehend the natural way of harmony between heaven and man, but also enhances the life taste and self-cultivation of the homeowner. Mountains, tall and heavy, with a broad mind, breed and accommodate flowers, trees, birds, and animals. Looking up at the mountains, people are so small! Water, flexible and low-key, nurtures all things, and does not contend with the evil of others. Observe the stream quietly, how ugly people are! Landscape painting is an artistic portrayal of natural beauty, a contradictory and unified combination of high and low, large and small, rigid and soft, etc. Human beings are just a tiny dot in nature that can even be ignored. Therefore, people should integrate into nature and respect it.


  3. Boosting the complexion of the home and regulating the feng shui of the family (this is a matter of faith, believe it)


  In fact, seemingly lifeless calligraphy and painting also possess the Qi of the Five Elements, which has a certain aura and can play a certain role in feng shui compensation. For example, in landscape painting, the five elements belong to water. For people who lack water in the five elements, hanging a landscape painting at home is definitely a good choice. In ancient times, Yunshan managed people, water, and wealth; It is also said that benevolent people love mountains and wise people enjoy water; Mountains have reliance, and flowing water brings wealth. These will also play a role in promoting good luck and improving feng shui in the underworld.


  4. Create a sense of prosperity and improve fortune


  For example, calligraphy that symbolizes auspiciousness and good wishes, as well as peony paintings that symbolize prosperity and wealth, can be used as the centerpiece of a home and hung in the living room to add luster and prosperity, which is one of the layout methods of a good home. Example: Placing peony patterns in the south of the home will promote the prosperity of the Nine Purple Wealth Stars in feng shui in the past twenty years.


  5. Joyful mind and body, inspiring people to strive forward


  For example, the "pleasant" qualities, pure atmosphere, and romantic feelings possessed by flower and bird paintings can purify the soul, forget the mundane, and restore innocence and optimism. For example, a beautiful calligraphy work with a brush can give people a feeling of antiquity, elegance, and dignity. Classical poetry and famous Chinese and foreign works can inspire people to strive forward, while others can teach people to be honest. Sitting down and admiring in leisure time is always refreshing and delightful.


  6. Value added legacy


  Calligraphy and painting, especially celebrity calligraphy and painting, are precious resources that cannot be regenerated, just like scarce mineral deposits such as gold. Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion" is not only priceless, but also a classic work of contemporary famous calligraphers and painters, with enormous appreciation and collection value. Who can say that contemporary top calligraphers and painters are not the future Wang Xizhi and Qi Baishi?


  The Importance and Wisdom of Hanging Calligraphy and Painting at Home


  If there are no calligraphy or paintings at home, it must be from a commoner family.


  Hanging calligraphy and paintings has its own requirements. In ancient China, there was a saying that goes, 'Sitting and lying in a high hall, exploring all the springs and valleys.'. How can the artistic charm of calligraphy and painting be displayed through hanging?


  1、 Placement precautions


  1. Choose an appropriate location. The calligraphy and painting should be hung on eye-catching walls and open areas such as the main wall facing the door, coffee table, sofa, writing desk, as well as the walls above the bed and bedside. In the corners of the room and the shaded areas next to the wardrobe, it is not suitable to hang calligraphy and paintings.


  2. Pay attention to lighting. Especially in painting, because each painting has a distinction between light and dark, the light source for painting can often be taken from the upper left corner. In a sunny living room, the painting should be hung on the right wall at a 90 degree angle to the window. In this way, the natural light source outside the window echoes the direction of the light source on the screen, making it easy to achieve harmonious unity.


  3. Pay attention to the height of the calligraphy and painting. For the convenience of appreciation, the height should be at the center of the calligraphy and painting, which is higher than the parallel line of a person standing upright, generally about two meters above the ground. It should not be too high or too low, nor should it be staggered in height.


  4. The number of hanging calligraphy and paintings should not be too large. There are too many calligraphy and paintings in the living room, which can make people dazzled. One or two carefully selected works can definitely serve as the finishing touch.


  5. The color tone of calligraphy and painting should be as consistent as possible with the interior furnishings. The content of calligraphy and painting should be concise and clear, and the paintings hung should have local style and ethnic characteristics. For example, using rich and rustic traditional Chinese paintings, New Year paintings, poetry and painting, and splashed ink cursive script for decoration will create both contrast and harmony.


  2、 The Application of Common Auspicious Calligraphy and Painting in Landscape Architecture

  1、牡丹图:国花牡丹因为喻意富贵所以一直深受人们的喜爱,而在家居摆放牡丹图一般可选择北方、南方,因为牡丹属木,北方是上的"水" 地,木得水生而茂盛繁荣;南方是"火"地,取木生火是兴旺之象,此布局在近二十年中催旺了风水上的九紫财星;由于西方为"金",木不宜被金克,所以牡丹图一般不宜放在西方。牡丹象征富贵、姣妍、繁华、红火等,易挂在客厅(新婚夫妻)、卧室(夫妻)、迎屏等处。

  1. Peony painting: The national flower peony has always been loved by people because it symbolizes wealth and prosperity. When placing peony paintings in homes, one can generally choose the north or south because peonies belong to wood, and the north is the "water" land on the map, where wood is surrounded by water and thrives; The south is a land of "fire", and using wood to start a fire is a sign of prosperity. This layout has promoted the prosperity of the Nine Purple Wealth Star in feng shui in the past twenty years; Due to the Western concept of 'gold', wood should not be crushed by gold, so peony paintings are generally not suitable for placement in the West. Peonies symbolize wealth, beauty, prosperity, and prosperity, and are easy to hang in living rooms (newlyweds), bedrooms (couples), screens, and other places.


  2. Dapeng spreading its wings picture: Dapeng spreading its wings picture is usually hung in study rooms and living rooms, giving people a positive and uplifting mood of "Peng Cheng Wan". However, it should be noted that after hanging the picture, Dapeng's "mouth" should not face people's heads, so it is generally not suitable to hang it on sofas or chairs; Those born in the year of the dragon, rabbit, or snake should not be hung at home.


  3. Fish frolicking in the water: According to customs, "water" is considered wealth, and fish have the auspicious meaning of surplus every year. Therefore, the double fish frolicking in the water picture is most suitable to be placed on the "wealth position" of the 45 degree diagonal coin at the main entrance of the living room, symbolizing "attracting wealth".


  4. Calligraphy: The most common use of calligraphy in feng shui is to ward off "door evil". For example, if the door is facing the bedroom, in feng shui, facing the bedroom directly can be disadvantageous because the rapid airflow formed by the opening and closing of the door will directly "rush" into the room. In this situation, ink treasures can be hung on the door.

  5、一帆风顺图: 亦由于五行生克的原理,所以不宜挂在南方,另外必须注意的是帆船下的浪花不能朝向门窗。

  5. Smooth sailing chart: Due to the principle of the Five Elements' generation and restraint, it is not suitable to hang it in the south. Additionally, it must be noted that the waves under the sailboat cannot face towards doors and windows.


  6. Landscape painting: The arrangement of landscape painting is quite particular, and it is generally suitable to place it on the left side of the entire house seat (the other side of the door) or the seat or bed position in the living room; A painting of a flat and round mountain can also be hung behind the desk as a "support", which can increase the luck of the benefactor. Easy to hang behind chairs in living rooms, conference rooms, offices, etc.


  7. Bamboo: It symbolizes elevation, frugality, strong ambition, and a heavy career. It is suitable for hanging and easy to hang in study rooms, children's bedrooms, offices, etc.


  8. Lotus: It is also a lotus flower with the meaning of harmony, emerging from mud without staining. Those who believe in Buddhism also have the meaning of completeness and kindness, and are easy to hang in living rooms, conference rooms, elderly bedrooms, etc.


  9. Chicken image: It symbolizes good luck and prosperity. There is a folk custom of chickens eating hundreds of insects. Therefore, children are easily hung in their bedrooms when they are young, and there are legends about children not getting sick and warding off evil spirits.


  10. The image of Zhong Kui: Zhong Kui wardes off evil spirits, so it is hung on the front, such as on a screen or TV. But there is also a saying that it is easy to ask God and difficult to give God away. If the room has a strong yin energy, such paintings and calligraphy should be hung.


  3、 Calligraphy and painting not suitable for home use


  1. Paintings with too dark colors or too much black bring a heavy feeling to the viewer, making them feel depressed and pessimistic.


  2. Excessively bright and eye-catching colors in paintings can affect one's mentality, causing irritability and impulsive behavior.


  3. The painting of depressed scenes such as the setting sun on the western mountains will make people lose their motivation, become decadent without seeking progress.


  4. Two or more character paintings can make family members emotionally unstable, especially portraits of deceased relatives and friends, which can create a melancholic atmosphere for a relaxed living environment.


  5. Waterfalls and other "big dynamic" paintings in Feng Shui depict the repeated fortunes of the main family members.


  6. Drawing pictures of fierce beasts and sharp weapons can make family members, especially children, feel insecure and affect their health.


  4、 Key points of hanging paintings


  1. Coordinate with indoor decor and decoration, with appropriate color matching, such as Chinese furniture should be paired with traditional Chinese paintings.


  2. The theme of the painting is consistent with the space, such as choosing a static painting for the bedroom and a fruit painting for the living room.


  3. The painting should correspond to the size of the space, such as not hanging giant portraits in small rooms.


  5、 Different seasons


  Many people hang calligraphy and paintings in their living rooms for a long time, making them consistent for many years, but the result is that they become tired of them after long-term observation. Some have also experienced phenomena such as paper weathering, paper becoming brittle, color loss in the image, and aging and decay. If possible, you can prepare several sets of calligraphy and painting to be hung in rotation, preferably with seasonal matching.


  Generally, in spring, flowers with peach blossoms competing or mountains and rivers with lush greenery are hung; During summer and autumn, hang the shadows of Liaotang Pond, maple paths, and chrysanthemum beds; In winter, Tianzhu Mountain tea, Honglu Green Tea, and other leisure activities can enhance the vitality of life. You can also do the opposite, such as hanging a winter scenery picture of ice and snow in summer, feeling the coolness rushing towards you and the heat dissipating suddenly; Wearing warm colors such as sunset in winter can make people feel as warm as spring inside.


  6、 Mastering elegance, precision, and emptiness in calligraphy and painting


  As indoor decorations, calligraphy and painting works, whether pasted, embedded in glass frames, or made into plaques, are all hung on walls without exception. The wall usually has a single color and requires some decoration to make the indoor space neither appear spacious nor crowded. Indoor use of calligraphy and painting as embellishments should be minimal but precise, and should not be placed on other decorations with excessive background to avoid clutter.


  Calligraphy works can be divided into banners, banners, naves, and fans according to the shape of the paper. It is better to have only one banner or fan on one wall, and it is best not to hang any other decorations near it; It is best to match the banners and nave together and choose a place with a table. Narrow banners should also be avoided from appearing separately to avoid monotony or abruptness. The banner plaque can be placed above the door, table, or living room, while the banner plaque can be erected on both sides of the door frame.


  When decorating the living room with calligraphy and painting works, it is necessary to grasp the scales of elegance, refinement, and emptiness. In the bedroom and living room, you can choose some calligraphy and painting works with a slightly stable and elegant style. In the office, you can choose some large or domineering works. Reasonable layout of the work can add color to the home, otherwise it may backfire, so be sure to pay more attention when decorating.

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