Calligraphy and painting are exquisite works of art that must have been hung or decorated for a certain period of time. It is not advisable to keep it hidden at the bottom of the box, as potential changes in calligraphy and painting may not be known in a timely manner. It's too late to discover the problem. So, for the mounted calligraphy and paintings, they should be hung and displayed at intervals for a period of time.
It is recommended that personnel who purchase celebrity calligraphy and painting at a high price should pay attention to timely dust removal during the exhibition period, as the current environmental pollution is relatively serious. Dust adsorbs these harmful gases, suspends them in the air, and over time deposits on the image, which will erode it. Generally speaking, urban environments are dusted once a week, and rural environments are dusted once a month. Dust removal method: Use the cold air of an electric hair dryer to form a 30 degree angle with the image, maintain a distance of 10-15 centimeters, and sweep it from right to left, or use a feather duster to gently sweep the image.
Alternatively, use a vacuum cleaner with a low wind speed to sweep the screen with a soft bristle brush while vacuuming. Do not use a cloth or other object to wipe the image, as harmful dust can invade the grain of the paper during the wiping process, causing long-term damage. During the exhibition and hanging period, pay attention to the humidity of the air. If there is continuous rain and the humidity is particularly high, you can roll up the calligraphy and painting first. People should pay extra attention to changing the environment of small spaces, such as heating, humidification, and fragrance. In winter, for heating, calligraphy and painting should be kept at a certain distance from the heating system and chimney. In summer, for cooling, it should be kept at a relatively long distance from the air inlet of the air conditioner.
Light is a natural factor that has a significant impact on painting, especially ultraviolet light, which can cause the paint on the screen to transform and decompose, leading to changes in the paper. Ultraviolet light mainly comes from sunlight, and there is also a small amount of ultraviolet light emitted by incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes. Therefore, when hanging pictures, do not approach the window to avoid direct sunlight on the screen.
灯泡或日光灯发出400一一700nm(纳米)可见长,虽说影响不大,但长时间近距离照射也能使字画纸质变黄。所以,在房子布局安排上,应该让灯泡,日光灯与书画保持1米以上的距离。 并选用低功率灯光源。还有什么问题就来我们网站
A light bulb or fluorescent lamp emits a visible length of 400-700nm (nanometers), although the effect is not significant, prolonged close exposure can also cause calligraphy and painting paper to turn yellow. So, in the layout of the house, the distance between light bulbs, fluorescent lights, and calligraphy and painting should be kept at least 1 meter. And choose low-power light sources. If you have any further questions, please come to our website https://www.jndyt888.com Consult!