1. Hall frame: commonly known as "nave", it is called "nave" because the picture frame is wide and suitable for hanging in the middle of the main room
2. Banner: the straight banner narrower than the hall banner is called "banner", especially the narrow and long banner, which is shaped like a piano, also known as "Piano Bar"
3. Horizontal drape: the character or picture of a banner
4. Hand scroll: it is to mount celebrity calligraphy and painting into a scroll, that is, the elder of celebrity calligraphy and painting banner. It is not suitable for hanging, but can only be stretched. The scroll has large and small. The hand scroll is not only convenient for desk reading and copying, but also suitable for keeping and prolonging the life of celebrity calligraphy and painting
5、屏条:即书画成堂的屏条,常见的有四条、六条、八条、十二条多为十六条. 不能单挂多有四季景或临摹名家的绘画等.
5. Screen strips: that is, the screen strips of calligraphy and painting. There are four, six, eight and twelve, up to 16. You can't hang more than four seasons or copy the paintings of famous artists alone
6、册页:就是把名人字画分成页数装裱成册子,称为"册页".册页一般分为八开、十二开、 十六开 多为二十四开,都是双数.发现有单数者即为残缺,俗称失群册页册页有大有小, 小的册页称为袖珍册页.
6. Album: it is to divide the calligraphy and painting of celebrities into pages and mount them into a booklet, which is called "album". The album is generally divided into eight, twelve and sixteen, up to twenty-four, all of which are even numbers. Those who find an odd number are incomplete, commonly known as "lost group album". The album has large and small, and the smallest album is called pocket album
7、对联:俗称对子.两条的字数一样多,上下文辞相呼应.故称"对子".另外,有"龙门对", 因字多不能直书一行,则写为两行,上条由右而左,头行字多末行字少下条,由左而右, 亦头行字多,末行字少,相对挂起,字如"门"字,故称之为"龙门对". 上条和下条均由右面左的一样写法的称之为"顺龙门".
7. Couplet: it is commonly known as couplet. The number of words in the two lines is the same, and the context words echo each other. Therefore, it is called "couplet". In addition, there is "Longmen pair". Because there are many words, it can not be written directly in one line, it is written in two lines. The upper line has more words from right to left, the first line has more words, and the last line has fewer words. From left to right, it also has more words in the first line and less words in the last line. It is relatively hung. The words are like "door", so it is called "Longmen pair" The upper and lower bars are written in the same way from the right to the left, which is called "Shun Longmen"
8. Fan: it refers to the words or paintings written or painted on the fan by calligraphers and painters, so it is called "fan"